
My Walls

Dark Angel

Dark Angel Walls

Most of these wallpapers are 1024 * 768.

Rising   we were scared

no matter what -- post-manticore   no matter what -- manticore

12 of us got away that night...   The escape was not my idea. -- Max

...some gave their lives   Siblings -- he didn't want to go back there

...then you tried to forget...   They were designed to kill

How do I look in red?   I'm getting tired of running

Max. My name's Max -- 332960073452   Series X5

Syl: 331366001701   Ben: 331845739493

Memories: Syl, Krit, Zack & Max   Proof Of Purchase -- Alec

They designed here to be a perfect soldier...   I took the road less travelled by... and that has made all the difference

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